Developing tools for streamlining the collection of behavioural and environmental data from wild, hole-nesting passerines
Joseph Burant
Nederlands Instituut voor Ecologie
Dutch Automated Ethology Meeting
Mahesh Karnani
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Does environmental adversity make you social? Revealing the role of habitat and food availability in the propensity for young birds to cooperate with others
Sjouke Kingma
Wageningen Universiteit & Research
To study the impact of predation on the cognitive abilities of nine-spined stickleback in the wild
Alexander Kotrschal
Wageningen Universiteit & Research
The evolution of socially plastic behaviour in the allodapine bee Exoneura robusta
Jan Kreider
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Training of laboratory rodents ‐ a way to refine invasive procedures
Esther Langen
Universiteit Utrecht
The effects of anthropogenic noise on anti-predatory behaviour in great tits (Parus major)
Kevin Matson
Wageningen Universiteit & Research
Towards automated assessmen of pig emotion and welfare
Inonge Reimert
Wageningen Universiteit & Research
Disease and mate preferences: resistance or health?
Joana Sabino Pinto
Wageningen Universiteit & Research
The evolution of sociality: why do animals stay or disperse?
Niki Teunissen
Wageningen Universiteit & Research
Caring in canines: Mother-pup interactions in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)
Claudia Vinke
Universiteit Utrecht
The effect of human-wildlife conflict on the free-roaming cheetah density and distribution in South Africa
Nynke Wemer
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
The individuality of vocal signatures in the red-faced spider monkey (Ateles paniscus)
Yannick Wiegers
Universiteit Utrecht