To think about this together, the Society of Arts is organising a series of working sessions in which our aim is to produce concrete outcomes.
Questions that guide us in these sessions are:
- What is the role of art at a time when people are literally in mortal danger?
- What other role can art play in the war in Ukraine?
- How can artists in the Netherlands, Europe and the world take meaningful action in this plainly unjust and violent war?
- How can we not only express our disgust and anger, but also share complex emotions?
- How can the insights and knowledge of artistic practice find their way to places where decisions are made, such as politics and mainstream media?
- And, last but not least: How are we so sure that art has power? And how can we make artists realise that they are more powerful than they think?
The working sessions are public and intended specifically for artists from across the artistic disciplines and for representatives of art institutions and policy bodies in the arts and culture sector.