By means of funds and prizes, we support excellent and promising researchers and put them in the spotlight.
By means of funds and prizes, we support excellent and promising researchers and put them in the spotlight.
The J. Gonda Fund Foundation is part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences and supports the scholarly study of Sanskrit, other classical Indian languages and literature, and Indian cultural history.
View fundResearchers may apply for a grant to cover expenses associated with research, study trips, translation or the organization of scientific meetings in the field of logic or philosophy.
View fundThe Lorentz Medal honours scientists who have made a pioneering contribution to theoretical physics.
View prizeScientific researchers can apply for up to € 10,000 for initiatives that enable (more) sustainable knowledge sharing about medical-scientific research between medical-scientific researchers.
View fundThe Statesman Thorbecke Fund Programme is for research projects that have a strong connection with the Dutch statesman Johan Rudolf Thorbecke. Preference is given to projects carried out by a postdoctoral researcher. A project may be awarded up to EUR 200,000 in funding.
View fundThe Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award is a biennial award intended for a researcher (or team of researchers) whose contribution to (translational) cancer research and compassionate cancer patient care is regarded as outstanding. The laureate receives 100,000 euros (to be used for research) and a bronze sculpture.
View prizeThe M.W. Beijerinck Virology Prize is awarded to an internationally renowned researcher who has made a ground-breaking contribution to virology research. The prizewinner receives a monetary award of EUR 35,000.
View prizeThe Gilles Holst Medal honours researchers who have made an outstanding contribution to applied physics or chemistry.
View prizeThe Bakhuis Roozeboom Medal recognises individual researchers who have made a significant contribution to phase theory.
View prizeThe Van 't Hoff Fund awards grants for research, publications and scientific meetings in the field of chemistry.
View fundThe Academy Medal is awarded every other year to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the advancement of science in the Netherlands in the broadest sense.
View prizeThe Buys Ballot Medal recognises individual researchers who have made a significant contribution to meteorology, particularly in the field of climate change.
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