This concerns:
- assessing nominations for awards and applications for financial contributions from funds, and deciding whether to allocate them;
- assessing nominations for membership of the Academy, the Young Academy, and the Academy of Arts.
This Code of Conduct does not apply to advisory committees for scientific advisory reports, for which the Code to Prevent Improper Influence due to Conflicting Interests [Code ter voorkoming van oneigenlijke beïnvloeding door belangenverstrengeling] (January 2012) applies.
The basic principle is for the Academy to prevent actual conflicts of interest and also the appearance thereof (referred to hereinafter as “conflicts of interest”). Boards, juries, and committees of the Academy are themselves responsible for this, with the Chair of a board, jury, or committee having final responsibility, assisted by the Academy Bureau (Executive Secretary and, if necessary, a staff member of the legal affairs department).
The following rules are not intended as an all-encompassing set of regulations covering all situations. Where necessary, those concerned must act in the spirit of the rules. Ultimately, this means that the responsible Chair will determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether there is any involvement in a nomination or application and to what extent, what this involvement entails as regards membership of a board, jury, or committee, and whether perhaps neutralising measures will suffice.