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Regulations Lorentz Medal

When submitting nominations for the Lorentz Medal, you must take into account the provisions in the following Lorentz Medal regulations.

Article 1 General

  1. The Lorentz Medal of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (hereafter: the Prize), was established in 1925 to honour physicist and Academy member Hendrik Antoon Lorentz.
  2. The Prize is intended to recognise a researcher in the Netherlands or elsewhere who has made a groundbreaking contribution to the development of theoretical physics.
  3. The Prize is awarded once every four years.
  4. The Prize consists of a silver plated medal.

Article 2 Conditions for nomination

Eligible for nomination for the Prize are internationally recognised scientists who:
a. have made a groundbreaking contribution to theoretical physics;
b. hold or held a position at a university or research institute in the Netherlands or elsewhere.

Article 3 Nomination

  1. The following parties may nominate candidates for the Prize:
    a. Boards of management and deans of universities in the Netherlands or elsewhere;
    b. Directors of scientific research institutes in the Netherlands or elsewhere;
    c. Individual researchers at universities or scientific institutions in the Netherlands or elsewhere;
    d. Science academies and other scientific institutions in the Netherlands or elsewhere
  2. Nominations must be submitted in Dutch or English and by e-mail using the nomination form provided by the Academy and accompanied by the requested appendices. A nomination is considered to have been submitted when the nominator receives confirmation of receipt from the Academy.
  3. The nomination form with the requested appendices must be sent before the closing date set by the Academy to wetenschapsfondsen@knaw.nl. If the nomination has not been submitted before this date, the nomination will not be processed.
  4. Academy Board members and members of the jury of the Prize may not submit nominations jointly or individually and may not be nominated as candidates.

Article 4 Tasks, composition and procedure of the jury

  1. The Academy Board appoints a jury whose task is to assess the nominations for the Prize and to submit a nomination for the award to the Academy Board.
  2. The jury consists of three members, including the chair. The members are appointed by the Academy Board for one selection round, with the possibility of reappointment for one selection round. The chair of the jury is appointed and is a member of the Academy.
  3. The jury consists of members of the Academy and at least one member/alumnus of The Young Academy.
  4. In all votes taken by the jury, the decision will be made by a simple majority of votes.
  5. The members of the jury are bound by the Code of Conduct on Conflicts of Interest for Awards, Memberships and Funding awarded by the Academy.
  6. The Academy makes an official secretary available to the jury.

Article 5 Selection criteria

  1. The candidates nominated for the Prize shall be assessed by the jury according to the following criteria:
    a. the contribution of the candidate to the development of the scientific field
    b. the impact of the candidate’s work on the field in a broad sense
    c. (international) scientific recognition, including scientific prizes and grants awarded to the
    d. memberships of (inter)national juries, visitation committees, scientific editorial boards, science
    academies or other relevant organisations
    e. the commitment to young researchers and the promotion of inclusion and collaboration
    f. valorisation by the candidate in a broad sense
  2. The jury will prepare a report on the assessment, including the grounds for selecting the
    candidate. The assessment report shall be submitted to the Academy Board as the nomination of the jury. If there are insufficient high-quality nominations, the jury may propose not to award the Prize.

Article 6 Award and presentation

  1. The Academy Board shall decide on the award of the Prize on the basis of the nomination of the jury.
  2. The Prize will be awarded by the President of the Academy or a substitute designated by the President.

Article 7 Final provisions

  1. These Regulations were adopted by the Academy Board on 18 October 2021 and take effect on 1 November 2021.
  2. In any cases not provided for in these Regulations, the Academy Board will decide.

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