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Academy Ethics Review Committee

The Academy’s Ethics Review Committee assesses research proposals by KNAW researchers for which an ethics clearance is requested, for example by the research funder. In addition, the committee can offer advice if you have questions about ethical aspects of the research. Using the flowchart, you can check whether your research needs an ethics review. 

Lees meer over de Ethische Toetsingscommissie van de KNAW in het Nederlands

A review of research proposals takes place only:

  1. when it is clear that a proposal will be implemented or has been selected in a funding cycle;
  2. before the research actually starts. This also applies to PhD research.

To submit a proposal to the committee, please use the registration form. Completed forms and requests for advice can be sent to ethischetoetsing@knaw.nl. The committee will respond within six weeks.

Submitting a research proposal to the Ethics Review Committee is the responsibility of the KNAW researchers and institutes. 

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