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United States

This dossier highlights developments in the United States regarding science under the Trump administration.

Recent developments under the Trump administration in the US are affecting academic freedom and international scientific cooperation globally. Through this dossier, KNAW clarifies the current situation in the US and its impact on our members and institutions. Additionally, we gather ideas on how Dutch and European science can strengthen resilience, including by protecting academic freedom and enhancing international networks.

On this page:

  1. KNAW News: Regular updates and analysis of recent events and developments.
  2. KNAW in the Media: Coverage involving KNAW, its members, and institutions.
  3. KNAW Spokespersons: Press contact information.

KNAW Spokespersons: Press contact information.

Irene van Houten. Workdays Monday - Thursday. Telefoon: 0205510733 / 0611375909 Mail: irene.van.houten@knaw.nl 

Femke Niehof. Working days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Telefoon: 0639662136 Mail: femke.niehof@knaw.nl 

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