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12 July 2024

Academy's response to report of inappropriate behaviour by Leiden University professor

    Leiden University's report regarding undesirable and inappropriate behaviour by one of its professors also concerns the Academy. The university’s report has affected us profoundly. First and foremost, our sympathies lie with those who complained about inappropriate behaviour and with others on whom this case may well have a major impact. 

    The professor concerned, Prof. Corinne Hofman, was a member of the Academy's Learned Society. In recent years, she was also seconded by Leiden University to the Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), which is an Academy institute. Her partner, Dr. Hoogland, has a temporary position at the KITLV. 

    The Academy – both as a learned society and on behalf of its staff – is committed to a safe working environment and a healthy research culture. Behaviour as described in the report has no place in such an environment or culture.  

    Based on the information available in Leiden University's investigation report, the Academy considers it credible that the persons concerned have been guilty of displaying inappropriate behaviour to a significant degree. The Academy’s Board has therefore decided to suspend Hofman as a member of the Academy’s Learned Society. This has been done in accordance with the Academy’s Regulations. Hofman has been notified of this decision. In response, she ended her membership.

    The Academy has terminated Hofman's secondment to the KITLV and suspended Hoogland, who has a temporary position at the KITLV. 

    The Academy‘s Board of Management and the management of the KITLV take the situation extremely seriously. As called for in the advisory report Social Safety in Dutch Academia – from Paper to Practice, improving social safety is an issue that merits constant attention. An investigation into the prevailing culture will commence at the KITLV In September. Its intention is to look back and above all to draw lessons from this particular case. 

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