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The Academy serves as a forum for scientific debate and for the exchange of scientific information. In this context, the Academy organises a variety of events, many of which are open to the public.

If you want to be kept informed about all events, please register here.

  • 6Jun

    Van ‘t Hoff symposium on chirality

    During this symposium, distinguished chemists from around the globe will discuss the latest developments in chirality in all its forms. The symposium is suitable for anyone with an interest in the molecular aspects of chirality in all its scope.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 27May

    Annual Academy Meeting 2024: Research Knows No Borders

    During the annual Academy Day on Monday 27 May, various national and international speakers will engage in discussions about the international nature of science.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 12Mar

    Evening of the Abel Prize 2023 - Highlighting the work of Luis Caffarelli

    The mathematician Luis Caffarelli specializes in partial differential equations that can be used to describe various phenomena, such as the flow of water or the growth of population groups.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 8Mar

    Dutch Annual Virology Symposium

    The Dutch Annual Virology Symposium (DAVS) offers young and established virologists a platform to present their research. You are most welcome to attend this symposium.

    Pakhuis de Zwijger, Piet Heinkade 179, 1019 HC Amsterdam
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  • 29Jan

    Award of the Gilles Holst Medal to Petra de Jongh and the Bakhuis Roozeboom Medal to Shlomo Havlin

    The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences is pleased to invite you to the award of the 2023 Gilles Holst Medal to Petra de Jongh and the 2023 Bakhuis Roozeboom Medal to Shlomo Havlin. The medals are awarded every four years to researchers who make important contributions to application-oriented physics or chemistry and phase theory respectively.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 23Nov

    Consultations relating to the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity

    For scientific integrity, most researchers are governed by the 2018 Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity. What are your experiences with that code and what should be modified in a subsequent version?

    Diverse locaties
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  • 21Nov

    Presentation of the Buys Ballot Medal to Sandrine Bony - Dispersing the clouds around climate change

    French climate researcher Sandrine Bony will receive this year’s Buys Ballot Medal. She has been awarded this prize in recognition of her pioneering research on the role of clouds in the climate system, and specifically in climate change.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 21Sep

    The electricity system: enabler or barrier for the energy transition?

    Although current grid investments are at unprecedented levels, network capacity shortages are currently more the rule than the exception. In this webinar, we will view this theme from three different angles.

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  • 20Sep

    Climate Narratives: Art, Science and Climate: Aiming for Impact

    How might scientific institutions increase the impact of their research and what is the role of artists and creatives in this science-policy interface?

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 19Jun

    Do democracies need a revolution? The revolution of 1848 then, and now

    In Revolutionary Spring. Europe aflame and the fight for a new world, 1848-1849 Christopher Clark describes 1848 as ‘the particle collision chamber at the center of the European nineteenth century’, a moment when political movements and ideas were tested and transformed. The insurgents asked questions that sound modern to our ears.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 20Mar

    KNAW-FEAM symposium Adult Vaccination

    A symposium on vaccination of older adults and on vaccine hesitancy.

    Online via livestream & Het Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 24Jan

    Causality in economics, computer science, logic, and language

    Reasoning about causal relationships is an important topic across the sciences. Last year's Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to Guido Imbens, foreign member of the KNAW. Together with Joshua Angrist, he received the prize for their central role in shaping how researchers understand and analyse causal relationships, using natural experiments. These are situations arising in real life that resemble randomised experiments, e.g. arising from natural random variations, institutional rules or policy changes.

    Online, via Zoom
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  • 14Dec

    Science for Policy in EU member states: what can we learn from each other?

    On 14 December, Neth-ER is hosting a hybrid event on Science for Policy in EU member states. How do we better connect science with policymaking in and between member states?

    Aarlenstraat 22, Brussels, Belgium
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  • 13Dec

    Secrets of the sea in times of climate breakdown

    Despite its many secrets and wonders, oceans have been under threat for years. Corals are dying and sea life is disappearing. Although this is a global phenomenon, some people are affected more than others—and as with many a climate issue, these inequalities bear witness of the afterlife of (post)colonialism. In this talk, we shed light on the ambiguous nature of marine protection and the colonial dimensions of ocean health.

    SPUI25, Spui21-HB 2.04, 1012 WX Amsterdam
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  • 2Dec

    Mountains and Molehills Symposium

    What to keep, what to discard, how to remember? An exploration of transitional areas of theory and practice in the fiels of art, film and beyond, organized by the Akademie van Kunsten on the occasion of the exhibition 'Fiona Tan - Mountains and Molehills' at Eye.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 29Nov

    Presentation of 2022 Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award to Laurence Zitvogel

    Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award 2022 for Laurence Zitvogel.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 21Oct

    Working session Art & War #4: What role can art play in times of war?

    What role can artists play in the plainly unjust and violent war in Ukraine?

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 10Jun

    28th Gonda Lecture by Upinder Singh: Inscribing power on the realm - royal ideology and religious policy in India, c. 200 BCE - 300 CE

    In her lecture Upinder Singh, Professor of History, Ashoka University, Sonepat, India, argues that the fundamental template of ancient Indian political ideology and religious policy was established during the period c. 200 BCE-300 CE through a continuous dialogic process revealed in the manner in which kings inscribed their power on their realm. She does so by drawing on epigraphic evidence to focus on three themes.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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    Heyting Day 2022 - Wittgenstein's Tractatus

    The Tractatus gives rise to many exciting issues of interpretation. The speakers of the Heyting Day will throw light on some of these issues, especially on Wittgenstein’s views on the nature of logic and on the role of the first person in the Tractatus.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
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  • 16May

    Klimaat van alle kanten: olivijn, het wondermiddel tegen klimaatverandering?

    Het IPCC klimaatrapport van 2022 maakt duidelijk dat de wereld grote risico’s loopt door de toenemende opwarming van de aarde. Ook is duidelijk dat maatregelen om de toenemende CO2 concentratie in de atmosfeer terug te brengen door de omschakeling van fossiele brandstoffen naar duurzame alternatieven, alleen niet voldoende zijn. Naast deze maatregelen zijn ook zogenaamde negatieve emissietechnologieën (NET) nodig om actief de CO2 concentratie in de atmosfeer te verminderen.

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    War in Ukraine: religion and international relations

    Religion plays an important role in the rhetoric used by the Russians to justify the war. Ukraine, and mostly Kiev, is presented by Russia as a cultural and religious asset for Russian identity and ambitions. What is more, the current war is interpreted as an existential and apocalyptic fight between good and evil.

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