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The Academy serves as a forum for scientific debate and for the exchange of scientific information. In this context, the Academy organises a variety of events, many of which are open to the public.

If you want to be kept informed about all events, please register here.

  • 4Oct

    2024 Kafatos Lecture by Hans Clevers - Organoids: Avatars of Human Organs in Health and Disease

    Speaking this year, molecular geneticist, cell biologist, and stem cell researcher Hans Clevers will explore the groundbreaking work that has defined his career – the development of organoids.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
    View meeting
  • 21Nov

    Presentation of 2024 Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award to John Haanen

    The recipient of this year’s Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award is John Haanen, a pioneer in the field of cancer immunotherapy.

    KNAW Trippenhuis - Kloveniersburgwal 29, Amsterdam
    View meeting

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