Toegekende aanvragen
Wan-Yu Chu
PhD student, The Netherlands Cancer Institute
Optimizing dosing strategies for post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis treatment: a geographical comparison of systemic and skin pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antileishmanial drugs
Rosanne Govaarts
Post doc, Leids Universitair Medisch Centrum
Unravelling the Duchenne and Becker brain using advanced multimodal MRI
Carli Koster
PhD student, University of Groningen
Investigating the role of mast cells in the development of an OV-18 induced allergic asthma mouse model
Odile van Stuijvenberg
PhD student, Universitair Medisch Centrum Utrecht
Post-trial continued access to neural implanted devices: from needs to consensus
Li Xinyu
PhD student, University of Groningen
Exploring the Pharmacoeconomic Benefits of Diabetes Subgroups
Amos de Jong
PhD student, Universiteit Utrecht
Internship at the Danisch Medicines Agency and the Department of Pharmacy of the University of Copenhagen
Wei Tang
PhD student, University Medical Center Groningen
Development of a Transformer-based Deep Learning Framework for Distinguishing Movement Disorders Using Freehand Single Camera Video Recordings of Gait
Huub de Klerk
PhD student, University Medical Center Groningen
Onderzoeken voor welke patiënten met elleboogbreuken een non-operatieve behandeling mogelijk is.