Can a conspicuous predator camouflage through background matching?
Davide Bottacini, Wageningen University & Research
Unravelling the diet of multiple shorebird species in a threatened ecosystem using DNA-Metabarcoding
Evy Gobbens, Wageningen University & Research
Urban greening and bluish as efficiently regulators of avian-mediated trophic casc
Juan Antonio Hernández-Agüero, Vrije Universiteit
Behavioral genomics of Nasonia host specificity
Kelley Leung, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Parental transmission of migratory behaviour in Arctic-breeding swans
Hans Linssens, Universteit van Amsterdam
Cat-human interactions
Marlou Rasenberg, Meertens Instituut
Sleeping with friends: Unravelling the interplay between social interactions and sleep in drosophila melanogaster
Adithya Sarma, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Juvenile development of raven (Corvus corax) feeding preferences on the Veluwe
Lysanne Snijders, Wageningen University & Research
Coping strategies: understanding how individuals respond to uncertainty
Chris Tyson, Wageningen University & Research
Competing claims and their consequences for animal behaviour and persistence
Suzanne Vogel, Open Universiteit
The hormonal and behavioural effects of male introductions in multi-generational social groups of captive rhesus and long-tailed macaques
Sophie Waasdorp, Universiteit Utrecht
How can we measure silent memories? Imaging the properties of activity-silent working memory
Sophia Wilhelm, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen